In this section, you will find a selection of shows that LBS is currently developing in-house or with our production partners.
Please contact us directly if you are interested in learning more about one of our properties.
Synopsis: Once upon a time, the natural world was in balance; the powers contained in the ancient & powerful ManiTo-Tem. To guard against evil, the many pieces of the Totem were separated, hidden, and then lost for an age. Now the life forces of earth and man are in extreme conflict and the boy, the Bear, and the Raven must travel time to reunite the pieces of the Totem once again.
Developed by: Deidre Havrelock, Ed Kay, and Jocelyne Meinert
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Indigenous
Length: 10 x 22 (3 Seasons)
Partners: Deidre Havrelock and Ed Kay
Status: Currently seeking development and distribution
Pitch Deck: LINK (Pilot Script and Bible available upon request.)
Synopsis: Rocket & Friends™ is a half-hour TV show about socializing, communication skills, and managing change throughout daily activities. The premise of the show is to encourage emotional growth—which includes managing change, developing empathy, handling transitions, and learning how to be a good friend.
A show for ALL young children. . . particularly NEURODIVERSE, DIFFERENTLY-ABLED kids including their brothers, sisters, friends
…and the adults who love them.
Created by: Sam Rubin and Sally Rubin
Genre: Kids, Educational, Neurodiverse
Length: 10 x 12min
Partners: Sally Rubin, Scottie Jeannette, and Dr. Shelley Stravitz
Status: Seeking a broadcaster
Pick Deck: LINK
LOGLINE: When an alien crash-lands at their community centre and opens an inter-dimensional "help desk”, four friends must team up before their community centre is overrun by monsters, aliens, and robots! Each “monster” represents a digital literacy or online safety issue.
Developed by: Shannon Fewster
Genre: Comedy, Educational, STEM
Length: 26 x 11min
Partners: High Flight Pictures
Status: Looking for Broadcast partners/Distribution
Synopsis: Camp Canuck is an 11-minute comedy/action series for kids 8–11, that combines the carefree communal environment of a summer camp with pre-super superhero adventures. And who better to guide these young minds than the stalwart Canadian superhero himself, the upholder of the righteous, benevolent seeker of justice, and pretty snappy dancer… Captain Canuck.
Created by: Fadi Hakim & Paul Gardner
Genre: Kids, Comedy, Superhero
Length: 10 x 12min
Partners: Lev Gleeson Comics Inc.
Status: Packaging - currently seeking a broadcaster & distribution
Pick Deck: LINK
Synopsis: Jesus is back ... and this time He's late for Math class! It's Gospel Truth that there is no account of Jesus' life between the ages of 12 and 30 ... until now! All that 15-year-old Jesus Christ wants is to be a normal teenager - who knows, maybe even a popular teenager.
Developed by: Chris Henderson & Matt Burke
Genre: Comedy
Length: 10 x 22min
Partners: Jessie Shamata
Status: Currently packaging and searching for a broadcaster
Pitch Deck: LINK (Pilot Script available upon request.)
Synopsis: BIONC (The Believe it or Not Chronicles) takes viewers on a crazy and never-before-heard journey through the wildest stories that their favorite celebrities are finally sharing.
Developed by: Jeff Luini
Genre: Comedy
Length: 10 x 22min
Partners: Jeff Luini & RCG
Status: Looking for Broadcast partners/Distribution